
All the customers require to observe the following basic principles of protection due to the increasing methods of the identity theft, international sanctions and the possibility of closing cryptocurrency accounts:

  • Using DPS with a unique ID to prevent the blocking of Exchange’s accounts
  • Using Psccts ™ security advice during opening Exchange’s accounts
  • Using approved Cypto exchanges by Psccts ™

Note: Our expert tell you how to make your account more secure
Note: Do not give your credentials information to anybody even our experts
Note: Keep in touch for complete information about our dedicated private server

Psccts™ – Pars Smart Cryptocurrency Trading System
We strictly follow the privacy policies, transparency in the transmission data and protection of fraudulently abuse of individuals lacking of awareness. It is not possible except by using our state-of-the-art system with 24/7 support. So, Psccts™ will try to do its best to keep you safe and secure.