Never miss trade opportunities by using a Trading Bot. The bot can manage the trades  by following the signals in the channel with One Click Follow or Follow Signal or Full-Automated (Free-use of the robot just for a limited time).

Trading Bot Features :

  • Following the signals
  • Instant notifications
  • Open personal signals
  • Apply custom trading settings
  • Portfolio
  • 14-day free trial
  • Free Learning Package

Subscription fees:

  • 14-day free trial
  • Premium membership $25
  • Auto-trading membership $33

14-day free trial:
All new users receive a 14-day free trial

Premium membership $25:
Customers can use Semi-Automatic signals. these signals should be clicked and followed by the user to open the trade.

Auto-trading membership $33:
can use auto-trade. The trades will be automatically opened by the Bot after configuring Bot and successfully add auto channel subscription.

Note: Keep in touch for more information about the Smart Bot.

Please, share your feedback in the feedback section. Here is a service request form that you could use to get the Psccts™‘s service by contacting our experts. We will contact you as soon as possible. The maximum response time is one business day (24 hours).