Telegram Trading Bot

Decreasing Exponential:

In this strategy, starting from the entry target with the highest price, each target will have half the amount as the previous entry target, such that the first target has the largest percentage of the trade amount and the last target has the smallest percentage.
The amount percentages will be divided in a way such that their sum will still equal 100%.
For example, when 4 entry targets are defined the first entry target with the highest price will have 53.333% of the trade amount, the second target will have 26.666% (half the amount of the previous target), the third target will have 13.333% and the last entry target with the highest price will have 6.666% of the trade amount.

How we use these strategies and when?
Our market measurement analysis will tell you how to get into the trade to get the most profit with the at least risk!

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